Friday, May 7, 2010

ThE CoLlApSe oF CoMmUniSm

the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe were that it had no popular support, political downfall, and economic problems. The fact that the USSR had gained all of its money from the Eastern European states (after world war 2), Stalin's paranoia of the West forced him to put all that money into defensive arms and therefore none of that money was being channeled into the country. Many historians would argue that it was at this point that the USSR began its downward spiral and this is were the country began its snowball effect.
the Soviets ran their sector as a communist one. The wall was built in 1961 to prevent the Soveits' people in the east from escaping into the West which was better. People still tried to get over. They dug tunnels and jumperd out of windows. People died trying to cross-a total of 239 deaths from the wall. There were about 5000 escapes. Ronald Reagan (US President from 1981-1989) had came over to the Brandenburg gate to give a speech to the Soveit Leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, and the West Berliners. East Berliners heard the speech through their radioes. He wanted the wall down since their was tension between the US and USSR with the Space Race and Nuclear Weapons that had happened in the past. He wanted to be on better terms with the Soveits and realized the struggle of the people

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nelson Mandela And The Aparthied

South Africa had been a place of history and heroism. A wealthy country that had whites and blacks living together.Though they were all south Africans they often had disputes based on race and political differences.The native Africans did not like that their country was taken over because of how special it was and they felt it was rightfully theirs.A man known named Nelson Mandela would be the voice of redemption to his people and to his country.This man went through a long struggle to fight the white oppressors that had been taking advantage of his land. He stuck up against the white power that ruled and he was criticized for it.He protested much like the ways of Gandhi and demand equality and the right of his land.The government saw him as a threat and hes was jailed for over 20 years and this just made him look better because all those years his people were following in his image and fought.When Mandela Was freed he was elected president and tried to bring good relations to the whites and blacks in South Africa.he led his country into a new era and is a symbol of independence and standing up for whats right. The Apartheid which is African for separateness a racial separation of blacks and whites that went on in south Africa but was fought against by Nelson Mandela.

African Independence

After WWII, the Europeans wanted to bring government to the African people. However, they weren't very fair with the Africans. They took advantage of them and treated them unequally. The Europeans were also very racist towards the Africans, they thought they were better than them. The Africans grew tired of being under the rule of the Europeans and started fighting back to the Europeans. The Europeans thought that they were helping the Africans by civilizing them, and thought what they did was not wrong. So the Africans went against the Europeans. And they won their freedom against the Europeans. They tried to become civilized themselves but really couldn't get it together after they were no longer under the rule of the Europeans. They're still trying till this day. But they got a new president, and tried turning things around. To this day all of Africa's countries have won independence by the year 1994.

the right stuff

The US and the USSR were competing for something in the film lesson The US was the United States and the USSR was the Russians and they were both competing to see who goes to space first. The first person to go to space was a guy named Yuri Gagarin who was Russian so the first man was Russian and they put the first satellite but the first to go to the moon was some from the Untied states. So technically who won the space race was the United States. The Russians had a head start so they were winning the competition but then we beat them the moon so we won the competition.The scene from the movie that made me remember the cold war was the part when they broke the sound barrier. Once Russia sent up their rocket, America tried so hard to send rockets up to space until they finally succeeded. Eventually they caught up and won the space race.